May 31, 2024
After Jardic Pro installation you can download additional dictionaries, e.g. Ancient Greek-Russian Dictionary by I.H. Dvoretsky.
The program can display books with Latin-Russian parallel text. If you place a cursor over Latin word the program displays a translation of the word and a description of word's grammar form. Current version of the program includes Latin-Russian parallel text of ther Psalter (Russian translation by Eugene Rosenblum) and parts from "Summa Theologiae" by Thomas Aquinas, questions: "On Will", "On Love", "On Charity" (Russian translation by A.V. Appolonov).
Transliteration of Greek letters
If Greek-Russian dictionary is installed, then you can enter Latin or Russian transliteration of Greek words for word lookup. To switch transliteration mode on, press the button[A] which is located at the right side of input field (the button switches to [Ω]). Conversion of Russian or Latin letters into Greek letters is performed using the following table (Latin letters are separated from Russian letters by semicolons):
α - a; а | ι - i, j, i2; и, й, и2 |
β - b, v; б, в | κ - k; к |
γ - g; г | λ - l; л |
δ - d; д | μ - m; м |
ε - e; е, э | ν - n; н |
ζ - z; з | ξ - ks; кс |
η - i, i1; и, и1 | ο - o, o1; о, о1 |
θ - t, th, t2, q; т, тх, т2 | π - p; п |
ρ - r; р | φ - f; ф |
ς - s; с | χ - x; х |
σ - s; с | ψ - ps, y; пс |
τ - t, t1; т, т1 | ω - o, w, o2; о, 02 |
υ - u; у, ю |
The above table gives several variants for converting Latin or Russian
text to Greek. For example, typed letters "ps" can be interpreted as "ψ",
"πς" or "πσ", and the letter "o" as "ο" or "ω". To determine the correct
transliteration variant, the program selects the one that actually occurs
in the dictionary.
If the automatically selected transliteration variant does not satisfy,
the letters causing ambiguity should be typed with the help of those letters
that provide one-to-one conversion. Such letters are in bold type in the table.
For example, typing "epi" will lead to finding the prefix "ἐπι",
because the word "ἐπη" is not in the dictionary. However, entering "epi1"
will lead to finding words beginning with "ἐπη": "ἐπήβολος", etc.
You can also use spaces, which do not affect the search result.
Thus, typing "p s" will give "π ς" but not "ψ".
Version 11.11, 31.05.24
Version 11.10, 27.05.24
Version 11.9, 12.05.24
Version 11.8, 30.04.24
Version 11.7, 22.04.24
Version 11.6, 31.03.24
Version 11.5, 30.01.24